New parents need to do many things to prepare for a child’s arrival into the world, and on top of the list is to learn infant CPR.
Taking a CPR class helps parents to prepare for potentially life-threatening emergencies that could pose a threat to their children.
Remember that being a prepared parent could mean the difference between life and death for your child.
The Importance Of Learning Infant CPR
Having their first child can be a monumental endeavour for new parents. Caring for a newborn baby can certainly have its ups and downs, and many parents will feel underprepared no matter how many books they read.
Due to their delicate nature, simple accidents involving infants can turn into medical nightmares. One of the ways to ensure their safety during a medical emergency is by learning how to perform CPR.
Infant CPR is a lifesaving measure performed when the baby’s heart stops beating or experiences breathing difficulties. Early intervention using cardiopulmonary resuscitation can make all the difference in an emergency.
Therefore, as new parents, one important thing to invest in is registering for a CPR training class.
Common Child Injuries
Here are common injuries or medical situations where CPR might be necessary.
- Choking
- Drowning or near-drowning
- Electrical shock
- Bleeding injuries
- Head trauma or traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Lung disease
- Poisoning
- SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
- Suffocation
Every second counts when small children have respiratory issues after certain emergencies such as choking, drowning, and smoking inhalation. In these situations, the performance of infant CPR help resolves breathing problems and save a child’s life.
Top 4 Reasons To Take Infant CPR Training
Infant CPR Is Different From Adult CPR
Even after taking an adult CPR course, it is still important to sign up for a childcare course specializing in infant CPR. Learn the critical signs and recommended resuscitation and chest compression methods.
CPR performed incorrectly on a small baby can cause serious harm. An infant CPR course will teach the proper techniques and how to spot them when needed.
Situations Requiring CPR Are Common
No parent wants to think about performing CPR on their child. However, the harsh reality is those child injuries are more common than we think.
According to statistics, infants and toddlers often get into accidents that require first aid interventions, such as accidental choking and drowning. In fact, drowning is the leading cause of death in children aged 1-4. The numbers of these incidents are even higher during the summer season.
Be The First Responder
In most emergencies involving infants, parents are often the first responders. For this reason, the actions taken by the parents in the first minutes are crucial as they likely affect the outcome.
Estimates found that emergency services take about seven minutes to arrive at the scene. However, it only takes three to four minutes for a small child to suffer permanent brain damage or death due to a lack of oxygen to the brain.
Knowing CPR will give the parents an advantage as they respond to such an emergency – knowing the first minute or two after a child stops breathing can make the difference between life and death for an infant.
Learn Infant CPR From A Certified Instructor
While there are many self-taught infant CPR resources in books and the internet, these don’t provide the same level of training or practical hands-on experience as training from a certified CPR instructor.
The guidelines on CPR continuously change and improve over the years. Therefore, taking a class from a trusted RTO ensures you get the most up-to-date information.
CPR instructors can provide a step-by-step guide on performing compressions on an infant-sized manikin. The course will also cover topics on using an AED and taking preventative measures to avoid accidental injuries.
Get Trained
Every second matters in an emergency involving an infant. This is even more true if they have trouble breathing or their heart stops.
Learning infant CPR prepares you to be an outstanding parent and give your newborn the best chance of surviving an emergency.
Becoming a new parent is amazing and challenging at the same time. Taking an infant CPR course can give you peace of mind knowing that you will learn how to act accordingly in the worst case scenario.
It is never too early to arm yourself with the knowledge of saving lives.
Book a CPR course with us.