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First Aid Course Darwin Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is First Aid Darwin's first aid course nationally recognised and accredited?

Yes. First Aid Darwin is operated by Sharon McCulloch, trading as FirstAidPro , a Nationally Recognised Registered Training Organisation (RTO No. 40407).

We provide nationally accredited first aid training that meets Australia’s ASQA guidelines for Training and Assessment.

Our course content is based on guidelines from the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC). It is equivalent to and usually exceeds comparable courses.

Upon successful completion, you will receive a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment certification which shows the course name and national code.

2. Is Prior Learning from other first aid training providers, regardless of state or territory it was completed in, also recognised by First Aid Darwin?

Yes. First Aid Darwin, as an RTO, is required to offer students an opportunity to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) toward units of competence or qualification for courses enrolled in. 

While an application for RPL may be made anytime, you are encouraged to do so before the start of your training program. 

For more details on Recognition Guidelines and for information on applying for RPL, please read our Terms & Conditions.

3. Are there age restrictions when taking first aid courses?

Whilst there are some restrictions, everyone should have the skills to save a life.

Children 14 and above can complete the course without a guardian attending.

Adults of any age may enrol if they can physically meet the course’s practical task requirement of performing CPR for 2 minutes in a kneeling position on the floor.

4. How does the new Approved Code of Practice for First Aid in the Workplace, effective December 10 2010, affect my responsibility as an employer?

The updated act places responsibility on the employer and self-employed to ensure that anyone, not only employees, is safe from injury and potential harm.

Therefore, the level of risk in your workplace and the type of workplace will determine the number of designated first aid staff members required to be on duty and deliver first aid.

Designated first aiders must hold a current statement of attainment or earn a nationally recognised qualification under the new code of practice.

5. Does my employer need to train us in first aid?

The Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 outlines the essential first aid aspects employers must address.

Employers have a legal duty to ensure that their employees receive immediate attention.

6. What if my employer says I need "Apply First Aid HLTFA311A", "HLTFA301B", "HLTFA301C", "LEVEL 2", "Senior First Aid", or "HLTAID003 Provide First Aid" training? Is "HLTAID011 Provide First Aid" still the correct course for me?

Yes. Previously, the standard workplace-approved first aid course was named Apply First Aid, Senior First Aid, or HLTAID003 Provide First Aid.

These courses have now been superseded, and the national standard is Provide First Aid HLTAID011.

Attendance in this course also includes HLTAID009 CPR and Basic HLTAID010 Emergency Life Support (BELS).

7. What if I work in Child Care or as a Teacher? Will ACECQA and DECD accept HLTAID011 or HLTAID012?

Yes. These courses suit anyone working in schools, long daycare, family daycare, preschool, and outside school hours (OOSH) care services.

We are a registered training organisation (RTO: 40407) and are accredited to deliver this course which ACECQA and DECD approve.

8. Is the new Provide First Aid the same as completing Senior First Aid?

Yes. In December 2015, the new National Health Training Package “HLT – Health” was released, and HLTAID011 Provide First Aid now replaces Senior First Aid.

Each participant is awarded a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment upon successful completion.

This accreditation is valid for three years and must be renewed before the expiration date.

The CPR module of the course is valid for 12 months and must be updated annually.

9. Is there also a first-aid course for asthma-related cases?

Yes. First aid for asthma is addressed in the HLTAID012 Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting course.

10. Are your CPR and Provide First Aid courses similar to Red Cross and St. John's?

Yes. We deliver government-approved, nationally accredited courses in our training venues and external workplaces.

We are a registered training organisation RTO: 40407 with ASQA. Our courses comply with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines for teaching first aid.

First Aid Darwin is 100% Australian-owned and operated.

We provide quality training; all our trainers are qualified professionals who ensure the course content remains current.

Getting Your First Aid Training Certificates

11. When do I receive my first aid certificate?

After completing the course, you will receive your Nationally Recognised Training first aid certificate on the same day as your course. 

Sometimes, your certification may arrive on the next business day if your course occurs on the weekend. 

The certificate is emailed as a PDF, provided your payment and USI details were verified and paid before the course was taken. 

Should you need a full-colour paper copy of your certificate posted to you, contact our office, and it will be dispatched via Australia Post for a small fee. 

For further information, see our Certificate Terms & Conditions.

12. What is a USI, and how do I get one?

Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from January 1 2015

Like your tax file number or Services Australia CRN, this is a unique number you are allocated for life, used to help you find evidence of your completed education since January 1 2015. 

You must have a USI to enrol in any accredited training course in Australia, including First Aid Darwin courses. 

Ensuring you provide your USI information upon enrolment, either over the phone or online, will ensure you receive your certificate on time.

Applying for your own USI number is relatively easy to complete. It should take less than five minutes via the Australian Government website. 

Be aware that this function is external to First Aid Darwin and is a government requirement for anyone attending accredited training in Australia. 

The USI registration process is not something First Aid Darwin staff can complete on your behalf. 

Apply for your Unique Student Identifier by following the link. 

Step-by-step instructions on how to gain your USI number can be found by watching this YouTube tutorial.

13. How do I get a Wallet Card certificate and reprint for lost or damaged certificates?

Wallet cards are recognised on many work sites. They are a convenient way to carry and produce your certification at all times.

These cards can be purchased on the day of the class, costing $5 per card

If you require a Printed Certificate, they are available for an extra $12, including postage. 

We ship our certificates/wallet cards through Australia Post, which can take up to two weeks due to several factors out of our control. 

These can be purchased in class, over the phone at (08) 8382 4677, or by email.

14. How long is my first aid certificate valid?

If you have completed a first aid course in the last few years with First Aid Darwin, or another provider, it may have expired.

See the course list below to see how long each certification lasts.

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

Your Provide First Aid certificate (previously known as Apply First Aid or Senior First Aid) is valid for three (3) years. However, the CPR component must be updated annually to keep your certification current.

Comprehensive First Aid – includes Provide First Aid & CPR

Your Comprehensive First Aid certificate is valid for three (3) years. The CPR component must be updated annually.

HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Your Provide CPR certificate is valid for one (1) year as per Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines.

HLTAID010 Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS)

Your BELS certificate is valid for three (3) years.

HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely (Manual Handling)

Your Manual Handling courses include CPR and BELS. An annual refresher course is required for healthcare workers.

Student Placement Packages

Student packages consist of CPR, BELS and Manual Handling courses. An annual refresher course is required for healthcare workers.

HLTAID012 Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting

Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting must be completed every three (3) years. Provide CPR should be renewed annually.

If in doubt, check your certificate.

Look for the expiry date printed on your certificate to see how long your accreditation is valid. 

We can verify your expiry date if you have completed a course with First Aid Darwin. 

Our team will re-issue your certificate for $12, including postage if it is still current. 

For more information, call us on (08) 8382 4677 during normal office hours or email

When, Where & How First Aid Training is Conducted

15. When do classes run?

First aid classes run in Darwin regularly on weekdays and weekends. 

We can also provide workplace training at venues across the Northern Territory seven days a week. 

These courses are subject to trainer availability, participant number requirements and travel costs.

16. Where are the courses conducted, and is there available parking?

We have various training venues across the Northern Territory. View our list of locations to book a course near you. 

17. Before attending my course, do I need to complete assessments or study first aid material?

No online assessment or prior theory workbook or testing is required.

All our training courses are competency-based, meaning there will be a requirement to complete written and progressive assessments throughout the class.

We also supply a theory-based reading booklet and learner guide to provide flexible course options.

The participants must study this before the practical session.

Our pre-learning material may take 4-8 hours to complete, depending on the participant’s prior knowledge and experience.

Studying the learner guide will also help students receive the skills and knowledge relevant to the written and practical assessments.

18. Can I have the first aid course conducted at my workplace?

Yes. On-site first aid training can be conducted at your office and tailored to your workplace requirements.

A first aid program can reflect your work site’s known and anticipated risks, including general instructions, workplace hazards, specific knowledge and skills, and injuries related to your industry.

19. What are the necessary room requirements if first aid training is conducted at my chosen venue?

A large, spacious room must accommodate a group and complete simulated scenarios involving lying and kneeling on the floor.

We only require level carpeted floor/ or mats, a whiteboard, and suitable chairs.

Heating/cooling, accessible toilets, and kitchen amenities are desirable.

We do have a minimum participant number requirement for our workplace training courses; please call us to discuss this further at (08) 8382 4677.

20. What must I bring and wear for my first aid training course?

On the training day, please bring a copy of your fully paid enrolment invoice, photo identification (driver’s licence), your USI number if you have not already provided it to us, a black pen, and a notebook.

Casual and comfortable clothes are recommended since our practical training activities require lying, bending, and kneeling.

Please wear covered footwear to your course and secure all personal possessions.

We are not responsible for your personal property.

How To Book & Pay

21. How do I enrol in first aid courses?

You may book a course online using the First Aid Darwin Training Calendar, which lists each class’ corresponding date, schedule, time, location, and training price. 

For step-by-step instructions, please read our information on registering for a first-aid course

Alternatively, you can call our office to book at (08) 8382 4677 during business hours.

22. May I still undertake a first aid training course when I possess special needs?

Yes. First Aid Darwin is a learner-centred and inclusive first-aid training provider.

To inform us of your special needs, email our team at or message us online.

23. How do I book a group training course for our employees?

First Aid Darwin can provide group training tailored to your workplace and industry requirements, on-site or off-site. 

Usually, one trainer is assigned to groups with four to 25 participants. 

For more information or to request a quote for our corporate or business group first aid courses, visit our Corporate Enquiries page. 

If you book in advance, we can provide your business with a 14-day trading account and tax invoice. 

Pre-payment is available via bank deposit or online/phone credit card transaction.

24. When and how do I make my payment?

Fees must be paid immediately upon enrolment online or over the phone.

Our trainers at courses cannot accept payments. All payments can be made via credit card and are secured by EWAY.

Per our guidelines, rejected or unpaid payments will delay your certificate’s arrival.

For more questions, other booking concerns, and payment options, contact the First Aid Darwin office at (08) 8382 4677.

25. Is there any money-back guarantee with your training?

Yes, As an RTO, we follow ASQA regulations.

These laws ensure we have refund, appeals and complaints handling policies and procedures in place. 

Please visit our terms and conditions page for further information on these procedures.

We also have a policy to review your appeal if you wish to contest your assessment results. 

Our team always strives to be the best First Aid Provider in Australia. Still, we understand that unforeseen circumstances can happen, so we provide a money-back guarantee. Conditions apply.